Sunday, January 3, 2010

We Are A Non-Booger Eating Family!

I think that all kids at least try to get away with booger eating at least once. It's like a cult. They see another little kid doing it. The other child looks like they are enjoying themselves, so why not give it a try. This grosses me out, to the point I want to throw up.

Faith went through a little phase, of this and I had told her everytime I caught her she would have to stand in the corner. It didn't last long with Faith. That, and I jokingly told her it would make worms grow in her stomach and then she would have to go to the DR. Faith HATES, going to the DR. Usually, it takes three people to hold her down, but that is another story in itself.

So Keira, saw her buddy, boogie eating, and I guess she thought she would find it a perfect time to join the Booger Eating Kids of America (feeling sick again, LOL). Especially, with the cold and all. I politely asked my three year old to stop. Two seconds later she is at it again. I started chanting we are a non-booger eating family. Eventually, I had her saying it too. I haven't caught her doing it again. Instead, as I type she is blowing raspberries on my face and rubbing the spit in. Who would have thought you would need a strong stomach to be Mom :)

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