Thursday, January 14, 2010

Prince Caspian/Happy Horse

So, Faith has been watching Narnia, and has totally fell head over heels in love with Prince Caspain. She made me look up his real name, find where he is from, and try to learn any piece of information she could about him. She found out that he is from London, and Faith has been trying to help with chores, to save enough money to go see him. She even called Grandpa, to tell him he needed to get a job so he could take her.
It hasn't ended there. Faith has been hard at work, picking out pictures of herself and writing letters to send to him. I tried to tell her that he is 28, and old enough to be her Dad. The funniest part is, she was crying the other day. I asked her what was wrong, and she said she was thinking how happy she would be if Ben actually wrote her back. I keep seeing her beautiful, long, eyelashes wet with tears.
I don't remember falling in love when I was so young. I remember being in love with Barrett Oliver, who played in D.A.R.Y.L, and The Never Ending Story. I think I was closer to 10. I'm already worrying about my little hormonal 7 year old.
Keira has been busy with her happy horse, aka. my swifter. She rides her happy horse around the house. It's pretty funny!

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